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Bald Eagle Discount

Original price was: $514.99.Current price is: $154.50.
Bald Eagle Soaring above a rocky outcrop, the bald eagle’s indomitable spirit reflects our own desire to live free and

Bear on Rock Online Sale

Original price was: $1,095.00.Current price is: $328.50.
Bear on Rock A lumbering bear’s survival depends upon supreme agility through mountain terrain and deft fishing skills in icy

Black Bear Online now

Original price was: $1,654.99.Current price is: $496.50.
Black Bear Amazing! A black bear’s natural balance and lithe grace conveyed in bronze! Showing the inquistive and playful nature

Cougar Supply

Original price was: $975.00.Current price is: $292.50.
CougarHe is called by many names across the country: cougar, puma, mountain lion. But everywhere he is fierce and he

Defending Liberty—Bald Eagle Fashion

Original price was: $975.00.Current price is: $292.50.
Defending Liberty—Bald EagleI’m a frustrated patriot with the knowledge that many are sacrificing and giving their lives in defense of

Howling Wolf on Rocks Discount

Original price was: $975.00.Current price is: $292.50.
Howling Wolf on Rocks Standing nearly weightless atop the rocks, a lone wolf howls his beguiling song, announcing his presence

Mountain Monarch—Elk Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $1,995.00.Current price is: $598.50.
Mountain Monarch—Elk Bugling loudly, the magnificent bull elk’s muscular body stretches with the effort. A powerful sculpture by Eli Hopkins

Stampeding Bison Online now

Original price was: $954.99.Current price is: $286.50.
Stampeding Bison Beating a steady rhythm across the plains, the dusty air settles only after the mighty bison are past.

Whitetail Deer Pair Online

Original price was: $1,154.99.Current price is: $346.50.
Whitetail Deer PairA flash of color, the scent of something unfamiliar and this pair will dart through the woods seeking