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Catcher of Dreams Online

Original price was: $804.99.Current price is: $241.50.
Catcher of DreamsBuffalo meant everything to the Native Americans. Food, shelter, bedding, clothes and utensils. The eagle symbols and feathers

Fresh Picked Sale

Original price was: $3,104.99.Current price is: $931.50.
Fresh PickedWhen browsing through a brightly displayed farmers market, Im often more excited to capture the beauty, color, textures, and

Great Horned Mama on Sale

Original price was: $2,104.99.Current price is: $631.50.
Great Horned MamaIm fascinated by owls beautiful large eyes and love to paint them! I had full body photos of

Great Horned Papa Online Sale

Original price was: $2,104.99.Current price is: $631.50.
Great Horned PapaIm fascinated by owls beautiful large eyes and love to paint them! I had full body photos of

Pride of the Plains-Native American Online now

Original price was: $4,754.99.Current price is: $1,426.50.
Pride of the Plains-Native American“Most of the images of Native Americans recorded in the last century are wonderful old sepia-toned

Serenity-Whitetail Deer Online now

Original price was: $6,004.99.Current price is: $1,801.50.
Serenity-Whitetail DeerThis beautiful stream setting is about 40 minutes from our home. I love to walk there and just enjoy.

Summer Ferns-Red Fox Hot on Sale

Original price was: $4,204.99.Current price is: $1,261.50.
Summer Ferns-Red FoxI found the overturned tree trunk covered with green ferns while hiking, and it became the setting for

Things are Looking Up-Palm Tree on Sale

Original price was: $4,004.99.Current price is: $1,201.50.
Things are Looking Up-Palm TreeI am a definite Dendrophile (tree lover). I love catching the warm lights and cool shadows

Time to Get-Moose Fashion

Original price was: $5,504.99.Current price is: $1,651.50.
Time to Get-MooseBeing chased by a mature bull moose can be the price paid for getting too close to his